Special Offers for Annual Membership of Heritage Organisations

Use our unique code EHAFF25 for 15% discount on English Heritage annual and gift membership.

Almost all heritage sites have reopened following the lockdown, so now is a good time to visit some of the UK’s most extraordinary places. Many sites remain open throughout the year – check out winter openings for English Heritage and the National Trust and Historic Houses.

Osborne House
English Heritage: Osborne House

If visiting more a few sites in a year, then annual membership of a heritage organisation could save you a lot of money.

By taking out annual membership, you will also be helping to support sites, many of which are struggling to keep going.

Please note that for some heritage sites you will need to book in advance before visiting, sometimes at least a day in advance.

Check on the individual organisations’ websites for more details on opening times and booking requirements.

English Heritage Offers

• For our special 15% discount on new annual and gift membership, click on English Heritage, enter EHAFF25 at checkout.

National Trust Offers

• To receive a £10 National Trust gift card with annual or gift membership paid by direct debit, click National Trust.

Historic Houses Offers

• For a £5 discount on new annual and gift membership, click on Historic Houses, and use our unique discount code STEW05.

National Trust for Scotland

• If you are 60+ you can get 20% discount on standard membership with National Trust for Scotland and you can visit National Trust properties in England as well.

Historic Environment Scotland

• If you are 60+ you can get a 20% discount on standard membership with Historic Environment Scotland.


• If you are 65+ you can get about 20% discount on standard membership with CADW, the Welsh equivalent of English Heritage. You’ll gain unlimited access to over 100 historical sites in Wales.

For advice on which heritage organisation to join, please see our articles:

English Heritage versus National Trust – Which to join?
Historic Houses versus National Trust – Which to join?
Heritage: Historic Scotland versus National Trust for Scotland

UPDATED 25th SEptember 2023 by STEVE HANSON.